Trademark Application

Attorney Riddle Discusses Trademark Disclaimers

Trademark Attorney Riddle, with, wrote an educational article explaining Trademark Disclaimers. 

What is a Trademark Disclaimer?

A trademark disclaimer is a written statement that “disclaims” “exclusive rights” to “unregisterable content” in a “trademark registration”.

A Disclaimer Only Limits Rights Conveyed by the Trademark Registration – Common Law Trademark Rights Are Unaffected.

For more, visit Trademark Disclaimer



Trademark Application Filed for LOVE PARK

The City of Philadelphia applied to register LOVE Park as a trademark for tourism and recreational purposes soon after its major renovations. Click here for additional information.

Philadelphia Trademark Attorney News Online

What We Do:

  • Our trademark attorney prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad.
  • We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad.
  • We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office.
  • We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process.
  • We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

Trademark Application Granted for The Lancaster Food Co.

Trademark Application Granted for The Lancaster Food Co.

What We Do:

  • Charles Riddle is a licensed attorney, registered U.S. Patent Attorney, and a litigator.
  • Our trademark attorney works on the application of patents, trademarks, and copyrights in the United States and abroad.
  • Attorney Riddle prosecutes and defends patent, trademark, and copyright litigations in the federal courts.
  • Attorney Riddle undertakes Internet domain name disputes and prosecutes international trademark applications before the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Application Granted for PATAPAR

This image displays the trademark application that has been granted for PATAPAR

What We Do:

  • Our trademark attorney, prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad.
  • We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad.
  • We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office.
  • We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process.
  • We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

Trademark Application Granted for Impact Panthers Softball

This image displays the trademark application granted for Impact Panthers Softball

What We Do:

  • Our trademark attorney prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad.
  • We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad.
  • We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office.
  • We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process.
  • We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

Attorney Charles L. Riddle Wins Legal Argument and Overcomes Motion to Dismiss Trademark Action

Counsel wins legal argument and overcomes Motion to Dismiss. Charles L. Riddle, attorney for plaintiff Jamie Flack, LLC, d/b/a “Rustique” filed a complaint for unfair competition and trademark infringement in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. The complaint alleged that a competitor adopted a confusingly similar name “Rustique Specialty Gifts” and used the name to promote similar goods and services. The defendant filed a motion to dismiss, and a successful legal argument in opposition was made by Attorney Riddle to have that motion denied. The federal court decided the motion in favor of plaintiff (opinion available here) and denied the motion to dismiss.


About the Firm

Attorney Riddle operates, a service of Riddle Patent Law, LLC. The law practice focuses on the prosecution and defense of trademark infringement, unfair competition, and intellectual property matters. Attorney Riddle has multiple office locations in Greater Philadelphia, as well as Scranton, Allentown, and Harrisburg. Because trademark law is federal, Attorney Riddle serves clients throughout the United States and abroad in varying federal district courts. Charles L. Riddle, Esq. focuses on various patent, trademark, and copyright application matters – as well as litigation in the federal courts.


For more information on Esquire Trademarks, visit:

For more information on Riddle Patent Law, visit:



Contact Attorney Charles L. Riddle:


Trademark Application Granted for The Process Sucks

This is an image of the Trademark Application that has been granted for The Process Sucks on November 15, 2016.

Riddle Patent Law specializes in patent law, trademark law, and copyright law.  Riddle Patent Law prepares and files trademark applications, patent applications, and copyright applications.  Riddle patent law both prosecutes and defends trademark infringement lawsuits in the federal courts.  Riddle Patent Law has offices in Scranton, PA, King of Prussia PA, and various locations in the Greater Philadelphia Region.

Trademark Application Granted for The Process

This image displays the trademark application that was granted for The Process on November 15th, 2016.

What We Do:

  • Our trademark attorney, having an office in Allentown, prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad.
  • We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad.
  • We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office.
  • We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process.
  • We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

Trademark Application Granted for COOL PEOPLE PRODUCTIONS

Trademark Application Granted for COOL PEOPLE PRODUCTIONS. Riddle Patent Law, Allentown, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Malvern, PA, Philly, PA, Milford, DE

Riddle Patent Law prepares and files trademark applications, patent applications, and copyright applications. Riddle patent law both prosecutes and defends trademark infringement lawsuits in the federal courts.  Riddle Patent Law has offices in Scranton, PA, Malvern, PA, and various locations in the Greater Philadelphia Region.  Riddle Patent Law specializes in patent law, trademark law, and copyright law.

International Trademark Application Granted for Offensive Security by WIPO Pursuant to Madrid Agreement and Protocol

International Trademark Registration Granted for Offensive Security, Riddle Patent Law, Scranton, PA, Allentown, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Malvern, PA, Grand Cayman

International Trademark Registration Granted for Offensive Security, Riddle Patent Law, Scranton, PA, Allentown, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Malvern, PA, Grand Cayman

International Trademark Registration Granted for Offensive Security, Riddle Patent Law, Scranton, PA, Allentown, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Malvern, PA, Grand Cayman

International Trademark Registration Granted for Offensive Security, Riddle Patent Law, Scranton, PA, PA, Allentown, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Malvern, PA, Grand Cayman

Riddle Patent Law prepares and files trademark applications, patent applications, and copyright applications. Riddle patent law both prosecutes and defends trademark infringement lawsuits in the federal courts.  Riddle Patent Law has offices in Scranton, PA, and various locations in the Greater Philadelphia Region.  Riddle Patent Law specializes in patent law, trademark law, and copyright

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